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A monologue from Isolated in the Light, presented by The Lightbulb Factory, performed by Zoë Deprez, directed by Leslie Hull

"2:53 AM Lullaby," a monologue from Prop Thtr's Small Hours Festival, performed by LiSean McElrath

Highlights from the 2017 Coffee and Whiskey Productions Script Pub reading of The Letter G, directed by Matt Diel.  Featuring Wes Robinson as Uncle Lew, Michelle Limon as Elizabeth, Vinny Greco as Jim, and Sahara Glasener-Boles as Amelia.


"Personal Void," a short story presented by Otherworld Theatre's Gateways Reading Series, read by Ben McCauley.

Leslie Hull and I go head-to-head in Word Salad Radio's Fic/Off competitive fan fiction podcast! Our mission: write a piece of fan fic mashing up Toy Story's Woody and Child's Play's Chucky.  Who will win?  Listen and find out!

A staged reading of Euphonia, presented as part of Intrinsic Theatre Company's May Play Podcast, featuring Leslie Hull as Allison/The Machine/Ellie, Erich Peltz as Faber, Guy Wicke as Barnum/Patterson/Bob/Francis, and Micah Hazel as Joseph Henry.

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